
Faroese vocabulary

Learn English to Faroese vocabulary : Adverb

Index > Adverb

almost næstan, umleiđ
already longu
always altíđ
behind eftir
between millum
beyond handan fyri, hinumegin
by framviđ, um
directly beinur
down niđur
early árla, tíđliga
enough í so, nóg
even enntá, sjálvt
exactly beint nú, nýliga
finally seinastur
first í fyrsta lagi
here her
however kortini
in í
late seinur
later eftir
merely bert
more longur, meira
never ongantíđ
not ikki, nei
often ofta
once einaferđ, onkuntíđ
particularly serliga
possibly kanska, møguliga
probably helst, ætlandi
quickly skjótt
really í grundini, tá iđ samanum kemur
solely einsamallur
soon skjótt
still afturat, enn
there har
therefore tessvegna, tí
today í dag
together saman
tomorrow í morgin
too eisini
up upp
well góđur
why hví

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