be aru
begin hajimeru
break kowasu
buy kau
close shimeru
come kuru
cut kiru
dance odoru
do mochiiru
draw kaku
drink nomu
eat taberu
fall ochiru
find mitsukeru
fire utsu
fly tobu
follow tsuiteiku
forget wasureru
get uru
give ataeru
have umu
hear kiku
help tetsudau
hope nozomu
jump hazumu
laugh warau
learn manabu
lie yokotawaru
like konomu
| | listen kiku
look miru
lose ushinau
love aisuru
meet deau
move ugoku
need toru
offer moushideru
open hirakeru
pay shiharau
play asubu
pull hiku
push osu
put oku
read yomu
remember omoidasu
run hashiru
say yuu
sell uru
sing utau
sit suwaru
smile hohoemu
take toru
talk shiyaberu
understand nomikomu
use mochiiru
wait matsu
write kaku