
Dutch vocabulary

Learn English to Dutch vocabulary : Society

Index > Society

army [het] leger
base [de] basis, [de] kazerne
club [de] club
company [het] gezelschap
contest [de] strijd
country [het] land
court [de] gerechtshof
crime [de] misdaad
culture [de] cultuur
democracy [de] republiek, [de] democratie
dominion dominion
election [de] verkiezing
existence [het] bestaan
female [de] vrouw
government [de] regering
history [de] geschiedenis
individual [het] individu
institution [de] instelling
king [de] koning, [de] heer
male [de] man
member [het] lid
nation [de] natie
news [het] nieuws
noise [het] lawaai
order [het] bevel
organization [de] [de] organisatie, [het] samenwerkingsverband
pass [de] pas
passport [het] paspoort
peace vrede
people [de] mensen
police [de] politie
policy [het] beleid
population [de] bevolking
public [de] bevolking, [het] publiek
punishment [de] straf
religion [de] religie
religion [de] religie
state [de] staat
title [de] titel
union [de] unie
war [de] oorlog
will [de] wens
will [het] testament, [de] laatste wilsbeschikking

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