
Hindi phrases

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  Answer   Contact   Greeting   Health   Hotel   Problem   Question   Restaurant   Shopping   Travel   Wish  


English and Hindi phrases containing 'you'



contactHow are you?āp khairiyat se hain?
contactFine, thank youṭhīk, āp sunāiye
contactWhat is your name?āpka nām kya hai?
contact Nice to meet you āpse milkar bahut khushi huī
contact Thank you dhanyavād/shukriya
contact You are welcome āpka svāgat hai
questionDo you speak English?āpko angrezī ātī hai?
questionCould you speak more slowly please?dhīre dhīre boliye
questionCould you repeat it please?phirse?
problemCan you help me please? mujhe āpki sahayta chahie
travelCan you show me on the map?mujhe nakSHE mEIN dikhaa deejiYE
hotelCan you wake me at ...? ____time pe jugana
shoppingDo you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? American/australian/canadian doelur mAnthai/svIkara karthai he?
shoppingDo you accept credit cards? CreditKaard svIkara karthaihe?
shoppingCan you change money for me? rupaya parivartna karthaihe?
restaurantDo you serve alcohol? kya aap shaarab bechte hain
problemWhere are you taking me? Aap mujhe kahan le ja rahe hain?

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This Hindi phrasebook allows you to lookup Hindi phrases which contain a keyword you enter. The basic Hindi phrases are divided into thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc. This database contains about 150 of the most important Hindi phrases. The list of Hindi phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations people encounter in countries speaking Hindi.

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