
German phrases for topic Shopping

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English and German phrases for topic 'shopping'



shoppingDo you accept American/Australian/Canadian dollars? Nehmen Sie US-Dollar/australische/kanadische Dollar an?
shoppingDo you accept credit cards? Kann ich mit Kreditkarte zahlen?
shoppingCan you change money for me? Können Sie mir Geld wechseln?
shoppingWhat is the exchange rate? Wie ist der Wechselkurs?
shoppingWhere is an automatic teller machine (ATM)? Wo ist ein Geldautomat?
shoppingHow much is this? Was kostet das?
shoppingThat's too expensive. Das ist zu teuer.
shoppingI can't afford it. Ich kann es mir nicht leisten
shoppingI don't want it. Ich will es nicht.
shoppingOK, I'll take it. OK, ich nehme es
shoppingCan I have a bag? Kann ich eine Tüte haben?
shopping That is too expensive Das ist mir zu teuer

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This German phrasebook allows you to lookup German phrases which contain a keyword you enter. The basic German phrases are divided into thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc. This database contains about 150 of the most important German phrases. The list of German phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations people encounter in countries speaking German.

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