
Russian phrases for topic Restaurant

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English and Russian phrases for topic 'restaurant'



restaurantA table for one person/two people, please. Столик на одного человека / двух человек, пожалуйста (stolik na adnavo čelověka/dvuch čelavek, pažalusta)
restaurantCan I look at the menu, please? Могу я посмотреть меню? (mah-GOO yah puhs-mah-TRYEHT’ meen-YOO'')
restaurantI'm a vegetarian. Я вегетарианец/вегетарианка. (yah vee-gee-tuh-ree-YAHN-eets/vee-gee-tuh-ree-YAHN-kah)
restaurantI don't eat pork. Я не ем свинину. (yah nee yehm svee-NEEN-oo)
restaurantI only eat kosher food. Я ем только кошерную пищу (ja jem tol´ka kašernuju pišču)
restaurantMay I have a glass of ...? Дайте, пожалуйста, стакан ...? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, stah-KAHN ...?)
restaurantMay I have a cup of ...? Дайте, пожалуйста, чашку ...? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, CHAHSH-koo)
restaurantMay I have a bottle of ...? Дайте, пожалуйста, бутылку ...? (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh, boo-TYHL-koo)
restaurantMay I have some ...? Дайте, пожалуйста _____. (DIGH-tyeh, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh)
restaurantExcuse me, waiter?Официант! (uh-fee-TSAHNT!)
restaurantIt was delicious. Это было великолепно. (EH-tuh BYH-luh vyeh-lee-kah-LYEHP-nuh)
restaurantThe check, please. Счёт, пожалуйста. (shyoht, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh)
restaurantDo you serve alcohol? Вы продаёте алкогольные напитки? (VYH pruh-dah-YOH-tyeh ahl-kuh-GOHL’-nyh-yeh nah-PEET-kee?)
restaurantIs there table service? Здесь есть официант? (zdyehs’ yehst’ ah-fee-TSANT)
restaurantA beer/two beers, please. Будьте добры, одно пиво/два пива. (BOOT’-tyeh dah-BRYH, ad-noh PEE-vuh / dvah PEE-vah)
restaurantA glass of red/white wine.Будьте добры, бокал красного/белого вина. (BOOT'-tyeh dah-BRYH, bah-KAHL KRAHZ-nuh-vuh / BYEH-luh-vuh vee-NAH)
restaurantOne more, please.Ещё одну, пожалуйста. (yee-SHYOH ahd-NOOH, puh-ZHAH-luh-stuh)
restaurantA toast! На здоровье (na zdarov´je)

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This Russian phrasebook allows you to lookup Russian phrases which contain a keyword you enter. The basic Russian phrases are divided into thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc. This database contains about 150 of the most important Russian phrases. The list of Russian phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations people encounter in countries speaking Russian.

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