Answer Contact Greeting Health Hotel Problem Question Restaurant Shopping Travel Wish
English and Hungarian phrases for topic 'problem'
| English | Hungarian | | problem | Help! | Segítség! | problem | Leave me alone! | Hagyj békén! | problem | Don't touch me! | Ne érj hozzám! | problem | I'll call the police | Hívom a rendőrséget | problem | Police! | Rendőrség! | problem | Look out! | Vigyázz! | problem | I need help. | Segítened kell | problem | It's an emergency. | Vészhelyzet van | problem | I'm lost. | Eltévedtem | problem | I lost my bag/purse/handbag. | Elveszett a táskám | problem | I lost my wallet. | Elveszett a tárcám | problem | I haven't done anything wrong | Nem csináltam semmi rosszat | problem | It was a misunderstanding. | Félreértés volt. | problem | Where are you taking me? | Hova visz engem? | problem | Am I under arrest? | Le vagyok tartóztatva? | problem | I want to talk to a lawyer. | Ügyvéddel akarok beszélni | problem | Be careful. | Legyél elővigyázatos | problem | I am lost | eltévedtemeltévedtem | |
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This Hungarian phrasebook allows you to lookup Hungarian phrases which contain a keyword you enter.
The basic Hungarian phrases are divided into
thematic groups like for example Question, Greeting, Hotel, Problem, Restaurant, Shopping etc.
This database contains about 150 of the most important Hungarian phrases.
The list of Hungarian phrases was carefully selected so it covers most situations
people encounter in countries speaking Hungarian.