
Dictionaries > Maori dictionary list

Available Maori dictionaries

3616911 visits 

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Bilingual Maori dictionaries Simple
English to Maori dictionary1,188
1 dictionaries1,188

Maori is not yet in the Universal dictionary! You can add Maori entries on this page.
Once Maori has more than 1000 entries it will be added into the system.

Maori dictionary list contains a list of online Maori dictionaries which allow you to easily translate words between Maori, English and many other languages. There are two types of Maori dictionaries available. The Universal dictionary is a special type of dictionary interconnecting Maori translations with English definitions and translations in other languages in one complex database. Then there are bilingual Maori dictionaries which connect Maori with other languages through separate dictionaries. Each listed Maori dictionary has a number next to it which shows the number of translations available in the online dictionary.

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