
Greek Loanwords dictionary :: translations

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Academy Academia
Aesthetics Esthetica
Analogy Analogia
Anathema Anathema
Anatomy Anatomia
Anthropology Anthropologia
Antithesis Antithese
Aphorism Aphorismo
Apocrypha Apocryphos
Asceticism Ascetismo
Atmosphere Atmosphera
Atom Atomo
Bible Biblia
Christ Christo
Climate Climate
Democracy Democratia
Demography Demographia
Diamond Diamante
Diaspora Diaspora
Dogma Dogma
Dolphin Delphino
Ecology Ecologia
Economics Economia
Electron Electron
Encyclopedia Encyclopedia
Energy Energia
Entropy Entropia
Epic Poetry Epos
Epigram Epigramma
Epiphany (Christian) Epiphania
Epistemology Epistemologia
Epitaph Epitaphio
Epithet Epitheto
Eschatology Eschatologia
Ethics Ethica
Etymology Etymologia
Eucharist Eucharistia
Glossolalia Glossolalia
Grammar Grammatica
Hermeneutics Hermeneutica
Kerygma Kerygma
Lion Leon
Logic Logica
Mathematics Mathematica
Mechanics Mechanica
Meteorology Meteorologia
Metonymy Metonymia
Monastery Monasterio
Monk Monacho
Monotheism Monotheismo
Morpheme Morphema
Morphology (linguistics) Morphologia Linguistic
Music Musica
Mythology Mythologia
Nosology Nosologia
Oceanography Oceanographia
Optics Optica
Orthodoxy Orthodoxia
Philadelphia Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Philology Philologia
Phonology Phonologia
Photography Photographia
Poetry Poesia
Proton Proton
Psychology Psychologia
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia
Scholasticism Scholasticismo
School Schola
Semantics Semantica
Sphere Sphera
Syllogism Syllogismo
Syntax Syntaxe
Theology Theologia
Zealotry Zelote
Zoology Zoologia

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