
Greek Loanwords dictionary :: translations

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Academy Akademie
Acoustics Akustik
Aesthetics Ästhetik
Agape Agape
Agate Achat
Agnosia Agnosie
Alabaster Alabaster
Analogy Analogismus
Analysis Analyse
Anamnesis Anamnesis
Anathema Anathema
Anatomy Anatomie
Antagonist Antagonist (Literatur)
Anthropology Anthropologie
Antibiotic Antibiotikum
Antipodes Antipode
Antiseptic Antiseptikum
Antithesis Antithese
Antlia Luftpumpe (Sternbild)
Apathy Apathie
Aphorism Aphorismus
Apocalypse Apokalypse
Apocrypha Apokryphen
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx
Archipelago Archipel
Arctic Arktis
Arete Arete
Armageddon Harmagedon
Asceticism Askese
Ataxia Ataxie
Atmosphere Atmosphäre
Atom Atom
Autocracy Autokratie
Axiom Axiom
Ballista Balliste
Barbarian Barbar
Bible Bibel
Boustrophedon Bustrophedon
Butter Butter
Calligraphy Kalligrafie
Cannabis Hanf
Catapult Katapult
Category Kategorie
Catharsis Katharsis (Psychologie)
Cetus Walfisch (Sternbild)
Chameleon Chamäleons
Chamomile Kamille
Charisma Charisma
Chord (music) Akkord
Chrism Chrisam
Chronology Chronologie
Chthonic Chthonische Götter
Clergy Klerus
Clerk Kontorist
Climate Klima
Columba (genus) Feldtauben
Coprophagia Koprophagie
Critic Kritiker
Cryptanalysis Kryptoanalyse
Cynic Kynismus
Demiurge Demiurg
Democracy Demokratie
Demography Demografie
Demon Dämon
Diagonal Diagonale (Geometrie)
Dialect Dialekt
Diameter Durchmesser
Diamond Diamant
Diaspora Diaspora
Dichotomy Dichotomie
Dinosaur Dinosaurier
Disaster Katastrophe
Dithyramb Dithyrambus
Dogma Dogma
Dolphin Delfine
Dragon Drache (Mythologie)
Echinoderm Stachelhäuter
Ecology Ökologie
Economics Wirtschaftswissenschaft
Ecstasy (emotion) Ekstase
Eczema Ekzem
Electron Elektron
Emblem Emblem
Embryo Embryo
Empathy Empathie
Encephalitis Enzephalitis
Encephalopathy Enzephalopathie
Encyclopedia Enzyklopädie
Endocrinology Endokrinologie
Energy Energie
Entropy Entropie (Thermodynamik)
Epenthesis Epenthese
Epic Poetry Epos
Epicenter Epizentrum
Epigram Epigramm
Epigraphy Epigraphik
Epilepsy Epilepsie
Epiphany (Christian) Erscheinung Des Herrn
Epiphenomenon Epiphänomen
Epistemology Erkenntnistheorie
Epitaph Epitaph
Epithet Epitheton
Eros (love) Eros (Philosophie)
Eschatology Eschatologie
Ethics Ethik
Ethnic Group Ethnie
Ethos Ethos
Etiology Ätiologie
Etymology Etymologie
Eucharist Abendmahl
Eudaimonia Eudämonismus
Euphoria Euphoria
Galley Galeere
Genetics Genetik
Geodesy Geodäsie
Geomorphology Geomorphologie
Giant (mythology) Riese
Glossolalia Zungenrede
Grammar Grammatik
Gymnasium (ancient Greece) Gymnasion
Gymnastics Gymnastik
Hamartia Hamartie
Harmony Harmonik
Helix Helix
Hemisphere Hemisphäre
Hermeneutics Hermeneutik
Hero Held
Hierarchy Hierarchie
Hippopotamus Flusspferd
Histology Histologie
Homonym Homonym
Hormone Hormon
Horoscope Horoskop
Hydraulics Hydraulik
Hydrosphere Hydrosphäre
Hymn Hymne
Hypnosis Hypnose
Hysteria Hysterie
Idiot Idiot
Jealousy Eifersucht
Jujube Chinesische Jujube
Kaleidoscope Kaleidoskop
Kerygma Kerygma
Lasagna Lasagne
Lexicography Lexikografie
Lexicology Lexikologie
Lexicon Grundwortschatz
Lion Löwe
Lithography Lithografie
Logic Logik
Logos Logos
Mania Manie
Marble Marmor
Martyr Märtyrer
Mathematics Mathematik
Mechanics Mechanik
Melancholia Melancholie
Melody Melodie
Mentor Mentor (Mythologie)
Mesolithic Mittelsteinzeit
Metamorphosis Metamorphose (Zoologie)
Metaphor Metapher
Meteorology Meteorologie
Metonymy Metonymie
Mimesis Mimesis
Monarch Herrschertitel
Monarchy Monarchie
Monastery Kloster
Monk Mönchtum
Monotheism Monotheismus
Morpheme Morphem
Morphology (linguistics) Morphologie (Sprache)
Museum Museum
Music Musik
Mythology Mythologie
Necromancy Totenbeschwörung
Nemesis Nemesis (Begriffsklärung)
Neolithic Jungsteinzeit
Neurology Neurologie
Nosology Nosologie
Nostalgia Nostalgie
Nous Nous
Obelisk Obelisk
Oceanography Meereskunde
Octopus Kraken
Oligarchy Oligarchie
Optics Optik
Organization Organisation
Orgasm Orgasmus
Orgy Orgie
Orthodoxy Orthodoxie
Otolaryngology Hals-Nasen-Ohren-Heilkunde
Paean Paian
Paleoclimatology Paläoklimatologie
Paleolithic Altsteinzeit
Paranoia Paranoia
Pasta Pasta
Pathos Pathos
Patriarch Patriarch
Pectin Pektine
Pedology (soil Study) Bodenkunde
Pedophilia Pädophilie
Peripeteia Peripetie
Phenomenology Phänomenologie
Phenomenon Phänomen
Pheromone Pheromon
Philadelphia Philadelphia
Philology Philologie
Phobia Phobische Störung
Phonetic Transcription Transkription (Konversationsanalyse)
Phonograph Phonograph
Phonology Phonologie
Photograph Bild (Fotografie)
Photography Fotografie
Physicalism Physikalismus
Piracy Piraterie
Placenta Plazenta
Plasma (physics) Plasma (Physik)
Plastic Kunststoff
Plectrum Plektrum
Poetry Poesie
Polychrome Polychromie
Polydipsia Polydipsie
Polygamy Polygamie
Polymath Polyhistor
Presbyter Presbyter
Prophet Prophet
Prostate Prostata
Protagonist Protagonist
Proton Proton
Prototype Prototyp (Technik)
Psaltery Psalterium
Psychology Psychologie
Psychosis Psychose
Pyramid Pyramide (Bauwerk)
Pyrite Pyrit
Quince Quitte
Rhetoric Rhetorik
Rhinoceros Nashörner
Rhombus Raute
Rhythm Rhythmus (Musik)
Scandal Skandal
Schema Schema
Schizophrenia Schizophrenie
Scholasticism Scholastik
School Schule
Scoliosis Skoliose
Scorpion Skorpione
Semantics Semantik
Sketch (drawing) Skizze
Sphere Kugel
Stadium Stadion
Stoma Stoma (Botanik)
Sycophant Sykophant
Syllogism Syllogismus
Symbol Symbol
Synonym Synonymie
Syntax Syntax
Syzygy Syzygium
Taxis Taxis
Taxonomy Taxonomie
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgie
Theology Theologie
Theory Theorie
Thermodynamics Thermodynamik
Thesaurus Thesaurus
Thesis Dissertation
Theurgy Theurgie
Thorax Thorax (Gliederfüßer)
Topography Topografie (Kartografie)
Triskelion Triskele
Trope Trope
Typography Typografie
Urethra Harnröhre
Xenophobia Xenophobie
Xylophone Xylophon
Zealotry Zelot
Zoology Zoologie

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