
Greek Loanwords dictionary :: translations

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Academia Academia
Academy Academy
Acoustics Acoustics
Aesthetics Aesthetics
Agape Agape
Agate Agate
Agnosia Agnosia
Alabaster Alabaster
Analogy Analogy
Analysis Analysis
Anamnesis Anamnesis
Anathema Anathema
Anatomy Anatomy
Antagonist Antagonist
Anthropology Anthropology
Antibiotic Antibiotic
Antipodes Antipodes
Antiseptic Antiseptic
Antithesis Antithesis
Antlia Antlia
Apathy Apathy
Aphorism Aphorism
Apocalypse Apocalypse
Apocrypha Apocrypha
Archaeopteryx Archaeopteryx
Archipelago Archipelago
Arctic Arctic
Arete Arete
Armageddon Armageddon
Asceticism Asceticism
Ataxia Ataxia
Atmosphere Atmosphere
Atom Atom
Autocracy Autocracy
Axiom Axiom
Ballista Ballista
Barbarian Barbarian
Bible Bible
Boustrophedon Boustrophedon
Butter Butter
Calligraphy Calligraphy
Cannabis Cannabis
Catapult Catapult
Catastrophe Catastrophe
Category Category
Catharsis Catharsis
Cetus Cetus
Chameleon Chameleon
Chamomile Chamomile
Charisma Charisma
Chord (music) Chord (music)
Chrism Chrism
Christ Christ
Chronology Chronology
Chthonic Chthonic
Clergy Clergy
Cleric Cleric
Clerk Clerk
Climate Climate
Columba (genus) Columba (genus)
Coprophagia Coprophagia
Critic Critic
Cryptanalysis Cryptanalysis
Cynic Cynic
Demiurge Demiurge
Democracy Democracy
Demography Demography
Demon Demon
Diagonal Diagonal
Dialect Dialect
Diameter Diameter
Diamond Diamond
Diaspora Diaspora
Dichotomy Dichotomy
Dinosaur Dinosaur
Disaster Disaster
Dithyramb Dithyramb
Dogma Dogma
Dolphin Dolphin
Dracaena Dracaena
Dragon Dragon
Echinoderm Echinoderm
Ecology Ecology
Economics Economics
Ecstasy (emotion) Ecstasy (emotion)
Eczema Eczema
Electron Electron
Emblem Emblem
Embryo Embryo
Empathy Empathy
Encephalitis Encephalitis
Encephalopathy Encephalopathy
Encyclopedia Encyclopedia
Endocrinology Endocrinology
Energy Energy
Entropy Entropy
Epenthesis Epenthesis
Ephemeral Ephemeral
Epic Poetry Epic Poetry
Epicenter Epicenter
Epigram Epigram
Epigraphy Epigraphy
Epilepsy Epilepsy
Epiphany (Christian) Epiphany (Christian)
Epiphenomenon Epiphenomenon
Epistemology Epistemology
Epitaph Epitaph
Epithet Epithet
Eros (love) Eros (love)
Eschatology Eschatology
Ethics Ethics
Ethnic Group Ethnic Group
Ethos Ethos
Etiology Etiology
Etymology Etymology
Eucharist Eucharist
Eudaimonia Eudaimonia
Euphoria Euphoria
Galley Galley
Genetics Genetics
Geodesy Geodesy
Geomorphology Geomorphology
Giant (mythology) Giant (mythology)
Glossolalia Glossolalia
Gnosis Gnosis
Grammar Grammar
Gymnasium (ancient Greece) Gymnasium (ancient Greece)
Gymnastics Gymnastics
Hamartia Hamartia
Harmony Harmony
Helix Helix
Hemisphere Hemisphere
Hermeneutics Hermeneutics
Hero Hero
Hierarchy Hierarchy
Hippopotamus Hippopotamus
Histology Histology
Homonym Homonym
Hormone Hormone
Horoscope Horoscope
Hydraulics Hydraulics
Hydrosphere Hydrosphere
Hymn Hymn
Hypnosis Hypnosis
Hysteria Hysteria
Idiot Idiot
Jealousy Jealousy
Jujube Jujube
Kaleidoscope Kaleidoscope
Kerygma Kerygma
Kudos Kudos
Lasagna Lasagna
Lexicography Lexicography
Lexicology Lexicology
Lexicon Lexicon
Lion Lion
Lithography Lithography
Logic Logic
Logos Logos
Mania Mania
Marble Marble
Martyr Martyr
Mathematics Mathematics
Mechanics Mechanics
Melancholia Melancholia
Melody Melody
Mentor Mentor
Mesolithic Mesolithic
Metamorphosis Metamorphosis
Metaphor Metaphor
Meteorology Meteorology
Metonymy Metonymy
Mimesis Mimesis
Monarch Monarch
Monarchy Monarchy
Monastery Monastery
Monk Monk
Monochrome Monochrome
Monotheism Monotheism
Morpheme Morpheme
Morphology (linguistics) Morphology (linguistics)
Museum Museum
Music Music
Mythology Mythology
Necromancy Necromancy
Nemesis Nemesis
Neolithic Neolithic
Neurology Neurology
Nosology Nosology
Nostalgia Nostalgia
Nous Nous
Obelisk Obelisk
Oceanography Oceanography
Octopus Octopus
Oligarchy Oligarchy
Optics Optics
Organization Organization
Orgasm Orgasm
Orgy Orgy
Orthodoxy Orthodoxy
Otolaryngology Otolaryngology
Paean Paean
Paleoclimatology Paleoclimatology
Paleolithic Paleolithic
Paranoia Paranoia
Pasta Pasta
Pathos Pathos
Patriarch Patriarch
Pectin Pectin
Pedology (soil Study) Pedology (soil Study)
Pedophilia Pedophilia
Peripeteia Peripeteia
Phenomenology Phenomenology
Phenomenon Phenomenon
Pheromone Pheromone
Philadelphia Philadelphia
Philology Philology
Phobia Phobia
Phonetic Transcription Phonetic Transcription
Phonograph Phonograph
Phonology Phonology
Photograph Photograph
Photography Photography
Physicalism Physicalism
Piracy Piracy
Placenta Placenta
Plasma (physics) Plasma (physics)
Plastic Plastic
Plectrum Plectrum
Poetry Poetry
Polychrome Polychrome
Polydipsia Polydipsia
Polygamy Polygamy
Polymath Polymath
Presbyter Presbyter
Prophet Prophet
Prostate Prostate
Protagonist Protagonist
Proton Proton
Prototype Prototype
Psaltery Psaltery
Psyche Psyche
Psychology Psychology
Psychosis Psychosis
Pyramid Pyramid
Pyrite Pyrite
Quince Quince
Rhetoric Rhetoric
Rhinoceros Rhinoceros
Rhombus Rhombus
Rhythm Rhythm
Scandal Scandal
Schema Schema
Schizophrenia Schizophrenia
Scholasticism Scholasticism
School School
Scoliosis Scoliosis
Scorpion Scorpion
Semantics Semantics
Sketch (drawing) Sketch (drawing)
Sphere Sphere
Stadium Stadium
Stoma Stoma
Sycophant Sycophant
Syllogism Syllogism
Symbol Symbol
Sympathy Sympathy
Synonym Synonym
Syntax Syntax
Syzygy Syzygy
Taxis Taxis
Taxonomy Taxonomy
Thaumaturgy Thaumaturgy
Theology Theology
Theory Theory
Thermodynamics Thermodynamics
Thesaurus Thesaurus
Thesis Thesis
Theurgy Theurgy
Thorax Thorax
Topography Topography
Triskelion Triskelion
Trope Trope
Typography Typography
Urethra Urethra
Xenophobia Xenophobia
Xylophone Xylophone
Zealotry Zealotry
Zoology Zoology

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