
Flowers dictionary :: translations

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Anemone Anemone
Aster (genus) Aster
Bellis Bellis
Chrysanthemum Crizantemă
Clematis Clematis
Dahlia Dahlia
Flower Floare
Gaillardia Gaillardia
Gerbera Gerbera
Greater Celandine Rostopască
Kniphofia Kniphofia Uvaria
Narcissus (flower) Narcisă
Nymphaea Nymphaea
Nymphaeaceae Nymphaeaceae
Orchidaceae Orhidee
Oxeye Daisy Margaretă
Pasque Flower Pulsatilla
Petunia Petunia
Ranunculus Ranunculus
Saintpaulia Violete Africane
Sunflower Floarea Soarelui
Verbena Verbena
Viola Tricolor Panseluţă
Zinnia Zinnia

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