Arctic Skua Moleiro-parasítico Barn Owl Coruja-das-torres Barn Swallow Andorinha-das-chaminés Black Kite Milhafre-preto Black Stork Cegonha-preta Black-crowned Night Heron Savacu Black-necked Grebe Mergulhão-de-pescoço-preto Black-winged Stilt Pernilongo (ave) Blackcap Toutinegra-de-barrete-preto Brambling Tentilhão-montês Common Spoonbill Colhereiro-comum Curlew Sandpiper Pilrito-de-bico-comprido Darter Anhingidae Egyptian Vulture Abutre-do-egito European Nightjar Noitibó-da-europa Great Crested Grebe Mergulhão-de-crista Hoopoe Poupa Lammergeier Abutre-barbudo Little Egret Garcinha-branca Little Grebe Tachybaptus Ruficollis Lovebird Agapornis Marabou Stork Marabu Ortolan Bunting Sombria Osprey Águia-pescadora Ostrich Avestruz Sacred Ibis Íbis-sagrado Sand Martin Andorinha-das-barreiras Stone Curlew Alcaravão Tawny Eagle Águia-rapace Wandering Albatross Albatroz-errante Weaver Ploceinae White Pelican Pelicano-branco White Stork Cegonha-branca
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