Barn Swallow Låvesvale Black Kite Svartglente Black-crowned Night Heron Natthegre Black-necked Grebe Svarthalsdykker Black-winged Stilt Stylteløper Blackbird Svarttrost Bohemian Waxwing Sidensvans Brambling Bjørkefink Cattle Egret Kuhegre Chough Alpekråke Common Spoonbill Skjestork Curlew Sandpiper Tundrasnipe Dunnock Jernspurv Egyptian Vulture Åtselgribb Golden Eagle Kongeørn Golden Oriole Pirol Goshawk Hønsehauk Great Crested Grebe Toppdykker Greylag Goose Grågås Gyrfalcon Jaktfalk Hawfinch Kjernebiter Herring Gull Gråmåke Hoopoe Hærfugl House Sparrow Gråspurv Lammergeier Lammegribb Lesser Whitethroat Møller Linnet Tornirisk Little Egret Silkehegre Little Grebe Dvergdykker Meadow Pipit Heipiplerke Ortolan Bunting Hortulan Osprey Fiskeørn Pallas's Sandgrouse Steppehøne Pochard Taffeland Red-necked Grebe Gråstrupedykker Redwing Rødvingetrost Reed Bunting Sivspurv Sand Martin Sandsvale Short-toed Eagle Slangeørn Spotted Flycatcher Gråfluesnapper Stone Curlew Triel Tree Sparrow Pilfink White Pelican Hvitpelikan Whitethroat Tornsanger
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