
Plant Morphology dictionary :: translations

   Index > Plant Morphology

Aquatic Plant Tumbuhan Akuatik
Aril Salut Biji
Bract Daun Pelindung
Cotyledon Kotiledon
Endosperm Endosperma
Epiphyte Epifit
Flower Bunga
Fruit Buah
Germination Perkecambahan
Herbaceous Plant Terna
Liana Liana
Nut (fruit) Kacang
Parthenocarpy Partenokarpi
Pith Empulur
Pollen Serbuk Sari
Rosette (botany) Roset
Seed Biji
Seedling Kecambah
Shrub Perdu
Stamen Benang Sari
Stolon Stolon
Tentacle Tentakel
Trunk (botany) Batang Pohon

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