
Petrology dictionary :: translations

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Aphanite Aphanitisch
Bedrock Grundgebirge
Breccia Brekzie
Chert Hornstein (Gestein)
Concretion Konkretion
Dike (geology) Dyke
Gabbro Gabbro
Gemstone Schmuckstein
Geode Druse (Mineralogie)
Intrusion Intrusion (Geologie)
Magma Magma
Matrix (geology) Matrix (Sedimentgestein)
Petrology Petrologie
Pluton Pluton (Geologie)
Rock (geology) Gestein
Sedimentary Rock Sedimente Und Sedimentgesteine
Soapstone Speckstein
Stratigraphy Stratigraphie (Geologie)
Texture (geology) Textur (Geologie)
Trace Element Spurenelement
Volcanic Rock Vulkanit
Volcanology Kategorie:Vulkanismus
Xenolith Xenolith

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