
Tropical Agriculture dictionary :: translations

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Ackee Blighia Sapida
Amaranth Amarante (plante)
Arecaceae Arecaceae
Avocado Avocatier
Banana Banane
Brazil Nut Noix Du Brésil
Breadfruit Arbre à Pain
Canna (plant) Canna (genre Botanique)
Carambola Carambolier
Cashew Noix De Cajou
Cassava Manioc
Coconut Cocos Nucifera
Date Palm Palmier-dattier
Grapefruit Citrus ×paradisi
Guava Goyavier
Hyacinth Bean Lablab
Jackfruit Jacquier
Mammee Apple Abricotier Des Antilles
Okra Gombo
Orange (fruit) Orange (fruit)
Papaya Papaye
Passiflora Edulis Grenadille
Pigeon Pea Pois D'Angole
Pineapple Ananas
Plantain Banane Plantain
Rice Riz
Roselle (plant) Carcadé
Sorghum Sorghum
Sweet Corn Maïs Doux
Sweet Potato Patate Douce
Tamarillo Tamarillo
Taro Colocasia Esculenta
Winged Bean Pois Carré
Yam (vegetable) Igname

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