
Greek Mythology dictionary :: translations

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Achilles Achilleus
Adonis Adonis
Aeneas Aineias
Agamemnon Agamemnon
Agave (mythology) Agaue
Althaea (mythology) Althaia
Ambrosia Ambroosia
Andromeda (mythology) Andromeda
Aphrodite Aphrodite
Apollo Apollon
Artemis Artemis
Asclepius Asklepios
Athena Athena
Atlas (mythology) Atlas (mütoloogia)
Atreus Atreus
Cadmus Kadmos
Callisto (mythology) Kallisto
Cassiopeia (mythology) Kassiopeia
Centaur Kentaurid
Cerberus Kerberos
Chimera (mythology) Kimäär
Chloris Chloris
Crius Kreios
Cyclops Kükloobid
Daedalus Daidalos
Damocles Damokles
Daphne Daphne
Demeter Demeter
Dionysus Dionysos
Echidna (mythology) Echidna
Elysium Elysioni Väljad
Eos Eos (jumalanna)
Erato Erato
Erebus Erebos
Eris (mythology) Eris
Geryon Geryon
Golden Fleece Kuldvillak
Gordian Knot Gordioni Sõlm
Hades Hades
Helen Helena
Helios Helios
Hephaestus Hephaistos
Heracles Herakles
Hermes Hermes
Hesperides Hesperiidid
Hyperion (mythology) Hyperion
Hypnos Hypnos
Iapetus (mythology) Iapetos
Iris (mythology) Iris
Jocasta Iokaste
Laius Laios
Lethe Lethe
Leto Leto
Maenad Menaadid
Menelaus Menelaos
Moirae Moirad
Morpheus (mythology) Morpheus
Muse Muusad
Nemean Lion Nemea Lõvi
Oceanus Okeanos
Odysseus Odysseus
Oedipus Oidipus
Orion (mythology) Orion
Pan (mythology) Paan
Peleus Peleus
Perseus Perseus
Pleiades (mythology) Plejaadid
Poseidon Poseidon
Prometheus Prometheus
Siren Sireenid
Sparta Sparta
Styx Styx
Tethys (mythology) Tethys
Theia Theia
Themis Themis
Theseus Theseus
Thetis Thetis
Thule Thule
Titan (mythology) Titaanid
Triton (mythology) Triton
Trojan War Trooja Sõda
Typhon Typhon
Zeus Zeus

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