
Poetic Form dictionary :: translations

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Acrostic Acrostic
Alcaic Verse Alcaic Verse
Alexandrine Alexandrine
Amphibrach Amphibrach
Anapaest Anapaest
Ballad Ballad
Ballade Ballade
Blank Verse Blank Verse
Caesura Caesura
Catalectic Catalectic
Clerihew Clerihew
Couplet Couplet
Dactyl (poetry) Dactyl (poetry)
Duma (epic) Duma (epic)
Eclogue Eclogue
Elegy Elegy
Elision Elision
Enjambment Enjambment
Envoi Envoi
Epic Poetry Epic Poetry
Epigram Epigram
Epithalamium Epithalamium
Foot (prosody) Foot (prosody)
Free Verse Free Verse
Haiku Haiku
Heroic Couplet Heroic Couplet
Hexameter Hexameter
Iamb Iamb
Idyll Idyll
Internal Rhyme Internal Rhyme
Kenning Kenning
Lament Lament
Limerick (poetry) Limerick (poetry)
Mock-heroic Mock-heroic
Nonsense Verse Nonsense Verse
Nursery Rhyme Nursery Rhyme
Octave (poetry) Octave (poetry)
Ode Ode
Ottava Rima Ottava Rima
Pentameter Pentameter
Quatrain Quatrain
Rhyme Rhyme
Rhyme Royal Rhyme Royal
Rondeau (poetry) Rondeau (poetry)
Sonnet Sonnet
Spoken Word Spoken Word
Spondee Spondee
Stanza Stanza
Strophe Strophe
Tercet Tercet
Terza Rima Terza Rima
Toasting Toasting
Trochee Trochee

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