
Ornaments dictionary :: translations

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Acanthus (ornament) Acanthus (ornament)
Acorn Acorn
Aegis Aegis
Arabesque Arabesque
Atlas (architecture) Atlas (architecture)
Boss (architecture) Boss (architecture)
Cartouche Cartouche
Chevron (insignia) Chevron (insignia)
Corbel Corbel
Crocket Crocket
Finial Finial
Fleur-de-lis Fleur-de-lis
Gargoyle Gargoyle
Keystone (architecture) Keystone (architecture)
Meander (art) Meander (art)
Molding (decorative) Molding (decorative)
Ornament (architecture) Ornament (architecture)
Rustication (architecture) Rustication (architecture)
Spandrel Spandrel
Tracery Tracery
Trefoil Trefoil
Volute Volute
Voussoir Voussoir
Wallpaper Wallpaper

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