
Fortification dictionary :: translations

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Abatis Abatis
Barbette Barbette
Barbican Barbican
Barricade Barricade
Bastion Bastion
Berm Berm
Blockhouse Blockhouse
Bunker Bunker
Caltrop Caltrop
Cartagena Cartagena
Castle Castle
Citadel Citadel
Dun Dun
Embrasure Embrasure
Fortification Fortification
Gate Gate
Gates Gates
Gun Turret Gun Turret
Keep Keep
Kraal Kraal
Kremlin Kremlin
Machicolation Machicolation
Martello Tower Martello Tower
Merlon Merlon
Moat Moat
Outwork Outwork
Portcullis Portcullis
Redoubt Redoubt
Sandbag Sandbag
Siege Siege
Sod Sod
Stronghold Stronghold
Trebuchet Trebuchet
Trench Warfare Trench Warfare
Turret Turret

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