
Birds Of North America dictionary :: translations

   Index > Birds Of North America

American Bittern American Bittern
American Coot American Coot
American Crow American Crow
American Kestrel American Kestrel
American Redstart American Redstart
American Robin American Robin
Arctic Skua Arctic Skua
Baltimore Oriole Baltimore Oriole
Barn Owl Barn Owl
Barn Swallow Barn Swallow
Barred Owl Barred Owl
Belted Kingfisher Belted Kingfisher
Black-crowned Night Heron Black-crowned Night Heron
Black-necked Grebe Black-necked Grebe
Blackburnian Warbler Blackburnian Warbler
Blue Jay Blue Jay
Bohemian Waxwing Bohemian Waxwing
Brambling Brambling
Brown Creeper Brown Creeper
Canada Goose Canada Goose
Cedar Waxwing Cedar Waxwing
Cliff Swallow Cliff Swallow
Common Yellowthroat Common Yellowthroat
Cooper's Hawk Cooper's Hawk
Downy Woodpecker Downy Woodpecker
Evening Grosbeak Evening Grosbeak
Goshawk Goshawk
Gray Catbird Gray Catbird
Great Horned Owl Great Horned Owl
Gyrfalcon Gyrfalcon
Herring Gull Herring Gull
House Finch House Finch
House Wren House Wren
Least Bittern Least Bittern
Loggerhead Shrike Loggerhead Shrike
Long-eared Owl Long-eared Owl
Mourning Dove Mourning Dove
Northern Parula Northern Parula
Osprey Osprey
Ovenbird Ovenbird
Peregrine Falcon Peregrine Falcon
Pied-billed Grebe Pied-billed Grebe
Pine Siskin Pine Siskin
Red-breasted Nuthatch Red-breasted Nuthatch
Red-tailed Hawk Red-tailed Hawk
Redhead (duck) Redhead (duck)
Rock Pigeon Rock Pigeon
Rock Wren Rock Wren
Rusty Blackbird Rusty Blackbird
Scarlet Tanager Scarlet Tanager
Song Sparrow Song Sparrow
Tree Swallow Tree Swallow
Trumpeter Swan Trumpeter Swan
Turkey Vulture Turkey Vulture
Western Tanager Western Tanager
Western Wood Pewee Western Wood Pewee
White-breasted Nuthatch White-breasted Nuthatch
Wilson's Phalarope Wilson's Phalarope
Wood Thrush Wood Thrush
Yellow Warbler Yellow Warbler
Yellow-bellied Sapsucker Yellow-bellied Sapsucker
Yellow-crowned Night Heron Yellow-crowned Night Heron

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