
Hazardous Air Pollutants dictionary :: translations

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1 1,2-dibroomethaan
1 1,1,1-trichloorethaan
1 Butadieen
1 1,2-dichloorethaan
Acetaldehyde Aceetaldehyde
Acetamide Aceetamide
Acrolein Acroleïne
Acrylamide Acrylamide
Acrylic Acid Acrylzuur
Acrylonitrile Acrylonitril
Aniline Aniline
Carbon Disulfide Koolstofdisulfide
Carbon Monoxide Koolstofmonoxide
Carbon Tetrachloride Tetrachloormethaan
Chlorine Chloor (element)
Chlorobenzene Chloorbenzeen
Chloroform Chloroform
Chloroprene Chloropreen
Cresol Cresol
Dichloromethane Dichloormethaan
Ethylene Glycol Etheenglycol
Formaldehyde Formaldehyde
Hexane N-hexaan
Hydrazine Hydrazine
Hydrogen Fluoride Waterstoffluoride
Methanol Methanol
Naphthalene Naftaleen
Nitrogen Dioxide Stikstofdioxide
Phenol Fenol
Propionaldehyde Propanal
Styrene Styreen
Sulfur Dioxide Zwaveldioxide
Tetrachloroethylene Perchloorethyleen
Toluene Tolueen
Trichloroethylene Trichlooretheen
Xylene Xyleen

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