
Microbiology dictionary :: translations

   Index > Microbiology

Alexander Fleming Alexander Fleming
Ampicillin Ampicillin
Anthrax Miltbrand
Antiseptic Antiseptisk
Bacteria Kategori:Bakterier
Bacteriophage Bakteriofag
Biogenesis Biogenese
Brucellosis Brucellose
Candida (genus) Candida (slægt)
Chemotaxis Kemotaksi
Cholera Kolera
Coccus Kok (bakterie)
Cyanobacteria Kategori:Cyanobakterier
Cystitis Blærebetændelse
Ebola Ebola
Fermentation (biochemistry) Fermentering
Fermentation (food) Fermentering
Microorganism Mikroorganisme
Nitrogen Fixation Kvælstoffiksering
Penicillin Penicillin
Plasmid Plasmid
Salmonella Salmonella
Secretion Sekretion
Sense (molecular Biology) Antisense Teknik
Shigella Shigella
Streptomycin Streptomycin

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