
Birds Of Europe dictionary :: translations

   Index > Birds Of Europe

Atlantic Puffin Lunde
Barn Owl Slørugle
Barn Swallow Landsvale
Bewick's Swan Pibesvane
Black Grouse Urfugl
Black Kite Sort Glente
Black-crowned Night Heron Nathejre
Black-necked Grebe Sorthalset Lappedykker
Blackbird Solsort
Blackcap Munk (spurv)
Blue Tit Blåmejse
Bluethroat Blåhals
Bohemian Waxwing Silkehale
Brambling Kvækerfinke
Brent Goose Knortegås
Canada Goose Canadagås
Carrion Crow Krage
Cattle Egret Kohejre
Chaffinch Bogfinke
Common Spoonbill Skestork
Dunlin Almindelig Ryle
Dunnock Jernspurv
Eurasian Woodcock Skovsneppe
European Magpie Husskade
Fieldfare Sjagger
Goldcrest Fuglekonge
Golden Eagle Kongeørn
Golden Oriole Pirol
Goshawk Duehøg
Great Black-backed Gull Svartbag
Great Crested Grebe Toppet Lappedykker
Great Snipe Tredækker
Greater Scaup Bjergand
Green Woodpecker Grønspætte
Greenshank Hvidklire
Grey Partridge Agerhøne
Greylag Goose Grågås
Grouse Skovhøns
Hawfinch Kernebider
Herring Gull Sølvmåge
Honey Buzzard Hvepsevåge
Hoopoe Hærfugl
House Martin Bysvale
House Sparrow Gråspurv
Jackdaw Allike
Lesser Whitethroat Gærdesanger
Linnet Tornirisk
Little Auk Søkonge
Little Egret Silkehejre
Little Grebe Lille Lappedykker
Little Owl Kirkeugle
Long-eared Owl Skovhornugle
Mallard Gråand
Manx Shearwater Almindelig Skråpe
Merlin (bird) Dværgfalk
Mistle Thrush Misteldrossel
Montagu's Harrier Hedehøg
Osprey Fiskeørn
Peregrine Falcon Vandrefalk
Pochard Taffeland
Razorbill Alk
Red Phalarope Thorshane
Red-necked Grebe Gråstrubet Lappedykker
Redwing Vindrossel
Reed Bunting Rørspurv
Rock Pigeon Klippedue
Ruff (bird) Brushane
Sand Martin Digesvale
Sedge Warbler Sivsanger
Skylark Sanglærke
Snow Bunting Snespurv
Song Thrush Sangdrossel
Spotted Flycatcher Grå Fluesnapper
Spotted Sandpiper Plettet Mudderklire
Tawny Owl Natugle
Thrush Nightingale Nattergal
Tree Sparrow Skovspurv
White Pelican Hvid Pelikan
White Stork Hvid Stork
Whitethroat Tornsanger
Whooper Swan Sangsvane
Winter Wren Gærdesmutte
Wood Pigeon Ringdue
Wood Warbler Skovsanger
Yellowhammer Gulspurv

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