
Gastroenterology dictionary :: translations

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Cholera 霍亂
Constipation 便秘
Crohn's Disease 克隆氏症
Cystic Fibrosis 囊腫性纖維化
Diarrhea 腹瀉
Dyspepsia 消化不良
Enema 灌肠 (医学)
Food Allergy 食物敏感
Gallstone 膽石症
Gastroenteritis 腸胃炎
Gastrointestinal Tract 消化系统
Hepatitis 肝炎
Hepatitis Category:肝炎
Hirschsprung's Disease 先天性巨结肠症
Inflammatory Bowel Disease 炎症性肠病
Intestine 腸臟
Intussusception (medical Disorder) 腸套疊
Jaundice 黄疸
Laxative 泻药
Peptic Ulcer 胃及十二指肠潰瘍
Porphyria 紫質症
Reye's Syndrome 雷爾氏綜合症
Rotavirus 輪狀病毒
Wilson's Disease 肝豆狀核變性

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