
Welsh to Romanian dictionary

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This Welsh to Romanian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Welsh to Romanian and Romanian to Welsh translations will be listed at once.

afal măr (n)
amser timp
anifail (m); (m) animal (n); fiară (f)
arian ban (m)
baban (m) bebe (m); bebeluș (m)
bachgen (m); bechgyn băiat; fiu
bachgennes (f); geneth (f) fată (f); copilă (f)
benyw (f); dynes (f) femeie (f); muiere (f); doamnă
blodyn (m) floare (f)
brawd frate (m)
caer (f); dinas (f) oraș (n); cetate (f); urbe (f)
cath (f) pisică (f)
ceffyl cal
chwaer (f) soră (f)
ci (m) (m)
coeden, pren, colfen (colloquial) arbore (m); copac (m); pom (m)
diolch mulțumesc; mersi
dydd (m); dwthwn (m) zi (f)
gŵr (m); dyn (m) bărbat (m)
gwrando asculta
heddwch pace (f)
helo, bore da ('good morning'), dydd da ('good day') salut, bună, noroc (informal), bună ziua (formal), servus
llyfr (m) carte (f)
mam mamă (f)
mynd a merge, a duce
na (nǎ or nâ, using nazalized n; commonly used also by English speakers) nu
serch (m) amor; iubire
tad tată (m)
tân (m) foc (n)
tŷ (m); annedd (m) casă (f)
ysgol (f) școală (f)
ysgrifennu scrie
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