This Slovenian to Catalan dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Slovenian to Catalan and Catalan to Slovenian translations will be listed at once.
brat (m) germà (m) brati llegir čas (m) temps (m) cvet flor (f) da; ja sí dan dia (m); jorn (m) dekle (n) noia (f); nena (f); xiqueta; al·lota (f) denar (m) diner (m) drevo (n) arbre (m) fant (m); deček (m) noi (m), al·lot (m), xiquet (m), xic (m), xicot (m) hiša (f) casa (f) hrana (f) menjar (m); aliment (m) hvala gràcies, moltes gràcies, mercès iti; oditi anar jabolko (n) poma (f) knjiga (f) llibre (m) konj (m) cavall (m) ljubezen (f) amor (m) maček (m); mačka (f) gat (m); gata (f); (m) mixa (f); (m) moixa (f) mati (f) mare | mesto (n) ciutat (f) mir (m) pau (f) moški (m); mož (m) home (m) oče (m), očka (m), tata (m) ('dialect'), ata (m) ('dialect') pare (m) ogenj (m) foc (m) pes (m); psica (f) gos; ca (m) pisati escriure poslušati escoltar prijatelj (m); prijateljica (f) amic (m), amiga (f) sadež (m); plod (m) fruit#Catalan'fruit (m) sestra (f) germana, (f) šola (f) escola (f) ženska (f); žena (f) dona (f) žival (f); zver (f) animal (m) živjo, zdravo (italbrac'informal); dober dan, pozdravljeni (formal) hola |
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