
Serbian to Navajo dictionary

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This Serbian to Navajo dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Serbian to Navajo and Navajo to Serbian translations will be listed at once.

drug (m); drugar (m); drugarica (f); prijatelj (m); prijateljica (f) akʼis
pas#Serbian'pas (m), kučka (f), kuče (m), kuca (f) (dim.), džukela (f) łééchąąʼí
vreme (n) ookił
дечак (dečak) (m) ashkii
мајка (f); majka (f); матер (f); mater (f) -má, (amá, "someone’s mother")
писати akʼeńʼjiłchííh
храна (f) chʼiyáán
Navajo to Serbian dictionary

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