
Navajo to Italian dictionary

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This Navajo to Italian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Navajo to Italian and Italian to Navajo translations will be listed at once.

-má, (amá, "someone’s mother") madre (f)
adeezhí; hádí sorella (f)
ahéheeʼ grazie
akʼeńʼjiłchííh scrivere
akʼis amico (m); amica (f)
asdzáán; asdzą́ą́ donna (f)
ashkii bambino (m) (child); ragazzo (m) (teenager)
atsilí; ánaaí fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4)
atʼééd bambina (f); (f)
awééʼ bambino (m); bambina (f); bimbo (m); bimba (f); bebè (m)
azhéʼé; ataaʼ padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m)
béeso denaro (m); soldi
bilasáana mela (f)
chʼil bilátah hózhóón; chilátah baa hózhónii fiore (m)
chʼiyáán cibo (m); alimento (m)
dooda; ndagaʼ no
gídí; mósí; másí gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f)
hastiin uomo (m)
hodéezyéél pace (f)
jį́ giorno (m)
kin casa (f); casa
kin nitsaago dah naazhjaaʼígíí; kin haalʼá città (f)
kǫʼ fuoco (m); fiamma (f)
łééchąąʼí cane (m)
łį́į́ʼ cavallo (m)
naaldeehii animale (m); bestia (f)
naaltsoos libro (m)
óltaʼ scuola (f)
ookił tempo (m)
acqua (f)
yáʼátʼééh ciao; salve; buongiorno
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