This Malay to Latin dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Malay to Latin and Latin to Malay translations will be listed at once.
abang frater (m) air aqua (f) anak laki-laki, putra puer (m); adulescens anjing; asu canis api; pawaka ignis (m); focus (m); flamma (f) ayah; bapak; rama pater (m) bayi infans binatang; haiwan animal (n); bestia (f) buah fructus (m), frux (f), fruges (p) buku; kitab; pustaka liber (m); codex (m) bunga flos (m) dengar ausculto; audio; exaudio epal malum hari dies (m); lux (f) kakak soror (f) kawan; teman; sahabat amicus (m); amica (f) kucing feles (f); cattus (m) kuda equus (m); caballus (m) lelaki vir; mas (m) menulis scribo | pokok arbor (f) rumah domus (f); casa (f); aedis (f) sekolah; maktab collegium (n); ludus (m); schola (f) terima kasih benigne dicis; tibi gratias ago wang pecunia (f) wanita femina (f); mulier (f) ya; ha'ah sic |
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