This Lithuanian to Norwegian Bokmal dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Lithuanian to Norwegian Bokmal and Norwegian Bokmal to Lithuanian translations will be listed at once.
ačiū takk arklys; žirgas (m) hest (m) brolis (m) (1,2,3) bror (m) draugas venn (m); venninne (f) eiti reise; fare; dra gyvūnas (m) dyr kalė (f) hund (m); bikkje (f) katė (f); katinas (m) huskatt (m); katt (m); katte (f) klausyti lytte kūdikis (m) spebarn (n) labas, sveikas (italbrac'informal), sveiki (formal) hallo; hei; god dag; halla; heisann laikas (m) tid (m) maistas (m) mat (m); føde (m); næring (m) medis (m) tre (n) meilė kjærlighet (m) miestas by mokykla (f) skole (m) motė (f); motina (f) mor; mamma; moder moteris (f) kvinne; dame namas (n) hus (n) | ne nei obuolys (m) eple (n) para; diena (f) dag (m); døgn (n) pinigai (m) penger rašyti skrive sesuo søster; storesøster; lillesøster taip ja tėvas far; pappa; fader ugnis ild (m) vaisius (m) frukt (m) vyras (m) mann (m) žiedas (m); gėlė (f) blomst (m) |
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