
Lithuanian to Interlingua dictionary

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This Lithuanian to Interlingua dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Lithuanian to Interlingua and Interlingua to Lithuanian translations will be listed at once.

arklys; žirgas (m) cavallo (m)
berniukas (m) (m)
brolis (m) (1,2,3) fratre
draugas amico#Interlingua'amico
eiti vader
gyvūnas (m) animal, bestia
kalė (f) can#Interlingua'can
katė (f); katinas (m) catto (m), catta (f)
klausyti ascoltar
kūdikis (m) baby, bebe
labas, sveikas (italbrac'informal), sveiki (formal) bon die
maistas (m) alimento#Interlingua'alimento
medis (m) arbore
meilė amor
mergina (f); mergaitė (f) puera (child)
miestas citate
mokykla (f) schola
motė (f); motina (f) matre
moteris (f) femina
namas (n) casa
ne no#Interlingua'no
obuolys (m) pomo
pinigai (m) moneta
sesuo soror
tėvas patre
vaisius (m) fructo
vyras (m) homine
žiedas (m); gėlė (f) flor
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