This Italian to Maltese dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Italian to Maltese and Maltese to Italian translations will be listed at once.
acqua (f) ilma (m) albero (m) siġra bambina (f); (f) tfajla (f) bambino (m); bambina (f); bimbo (m); bimba (f); bebè (m) tarbija cane (m) kelb (m), kelba (f) casa (f); casa bejt (m) cavallo (m) żiemel ciao; salve; buongiorno bonġu (before 12:00 p.m.), bonswa (after 12:00 p.m.) città (f) belt donna (f) mara fiore (m) fjura fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4) ħu fuoco (m); fiamma (f) nar (f) gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f) qattus (m); qattusa (f); qtates grazie grazzi leggere qara libro (m) ktieb mela (f) tuffieħa no le padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m) missier | scrivere tikteb scuola (f) skola sì iva sorella (f) oħt (f) tempo (m) darba uomo (m) raġel |
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