This Italian to Frisian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Italian to Frisian and Frisian to Italian translations will be listed at once.
albero (m) beam amico (m); amica (f) freon amore (m) leafde andare gean animale (m); bestia (f) bist (n) bambina (f); (f) famke (n); faam bambino (m) (child); ragazzo (m) (teenager) jonge (c) bambino (m); bambina (f); bimbo (m); bimba (f); bebè (m) poppe cane (m) hûn casa (f); casa hûs (n) cavallo (m) hoppe ciao; salve; buongiorno hallo, hoi cibo (m); alimento (m) fiedsel città (f) stêd denaro (m); soldi jild (n) donna (f) frou; wiif fiore (m) blom (c) fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4) broer frutta (f); frutto (m) frucht fuoco (m); fiamma (f) fjoer (n) | gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f) kat giorno (m) dei leggere lêze libro (m) boek (n) madre (f) mem (f) mela (f) apel no nee padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m) heit; faar scrivere skriuwe sì ja sorella (f) sus tempo (m) tiid uomo (m) man |
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