
Interlingua to Azeri dictionary

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This Interlingua to Azeri dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Interlingua to Azeri and Azeri to Interlingua translations will be listed at once.

(m) oğlan
amico#Interlingua'amico dost
amor eşq
animal, bestia heyvan
aqua su
arbore ağac
bon die salam
can#Interlingua'can it; köpək
casa ev
catto (m), catta (f) pişik
cavallo (m) at
citate şəhər
femina qadın
flor çiçək
fratre qardaş
fructo meyvə
matre ana
moneta pul
no#Interlingua'no yox
pace sülh
patre ata
pomo alma
puera (child) qız
schola məktəb
soror bacı
Azeri to Interlingua dictionary

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