This Icelandic to Slovak dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Icelandic to Slovak and Slovak to Icelandic translations will be listed at once.
ávöxtur (m); aldin (n) ovocie (n) blóm (n) kvet (m) bók (f) kniha (f) bróðir brat (m) dýr (n) živočích (m); zviera (n) eldur (m); bál (n) oheň (m) elska láska (f) epli (n) jablko (n) faðir (m) otec ('formally, officially'), tato ('usually used only by children'), tatko <!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little father", nice/beloved father,-->('usually used only by children'), tatíčko<!--belongs on Slovak page: ("little little father")-->, tati ('vocative'; 'usually used by children'), foter (pejorative) (m) friður (m); friðartími (m) mier (m) halló; hæ; góðan dag; góðan daginn ahoj; servus; dobrý deň hestur (m); hross (n) kôň (m) hlusta počúvať hundur (m) pes (m); suka (f) hús (n); híbýli (n) dom (m) já áno; hej karlmaður (m); karl (m); maður (m) muž kona (f); kvenmaður (m) žena (f) köttur (m); kisa (f) mačka (f); kocúr (m) lesa čítať | matur (m); fæði (n) jedlo (n); strava (f) móðir (f) matka (f) nei nie peningur (m); fé (n) peniaze skóli (m) škola (f) skrifa; rita písať strákur (m); drengur (m); piltur (m); sveinn (m) chlapec (m) stúlka (f); stelpa (f); telpa (f) dievča (n) takk; þakka ďakujem; ďakujeme tré strom (m) |
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