This Icelandic to Galician dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Icelandic to Galician and Galician to Icelandic translations will be listed at once.
ávöxtur (m); aldin (n) froita (f) blóm (n) flor (f) dagur (m) día (m) eldur (m); bál (n) lume (m) epli (n) mazá (f) halló; hæ; góðan dag; góðan daginn ola hestur (m); hross (n) cabalo (m) hlusta atender; escoitar hundur (m) can (m), cadela (f) hús (n); híbýli (n) casa (f) kona (f); kvenmaður (m) muller köttur (m); kisa (f) gato lesa ler peningur (m); fé (n) diñeiro (m) skrifa; rita escribir tími (m); (f) vez (f) tré árbore (f) vatn (n) auga (f) |
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