
German to Lithuanian dictionary

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This German to Lithuanian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both German to Lithuanian and Lithuanian to German translations will be listed at once.

Apfel (m) obuolys (m)
Baby (n); Säugling (m); Kleinkind (n) kūdikis (m)
Baum (m); Baum medis (m)
Blume (f) žiedas (m); gėlė (f)
Bruder (m) brolis (m) (1,2,3)
Buch (n) knyga (f)
danke; danke schön; vielen Dank ačiū
Feuer (n) ugnis
Frau (f) moteris (f)
Freund (m); Freundin (f) draugas
Frucht (f) vaisius (m)
gehen; fahren eiti
Geld (n) pinigai (m)
hallo; guten Tag; servus; grüß Gott labas, sveikas (italbrac'informal), sveiki (formal)
Haus (n); Häuser namas (n)
hören; zuhören klausyti
Hund (m); Rüde (m); Hündin (f) kalė (f)
ja taip
Junge (m); Knabe (m); Bub (m) berniukas (m)
Katze (f); Kater (m); Kätzin (f) katė (f); katinas (m)
Liebe (f) meilė
Mädchen (n) mergina (f); mergaitė (f)
Mann (m); Herr (m) vyras (m)
Mutter (f) motė (f); motina (f)
Nahrung (f); Essen (n); Lebensmittel (n) maistas (m)
nein ne
Pferd (n); Ross (n); Pferdehengst (m); Pferdestute (f) arklys; žirgas (m)
schreiben rašyti
Schule (f) mokykla (f)
Schwester (f) sesuo
Stadt (f) miestas
Tag (m) para; diena (f)
Tier (n) gyvūnas (m)
Vater (m) tėvas
Zeit (f) laikas (m)
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