
German to Galician dictionary

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This German to Galician dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both German to Galician and Galician to German translations will be listed at once.

Apfel (m) mazá (f)
Baum (m); Baum árbore (f)
Blume (f) flor (f)
Feuer (n) lume (m)
Frau (f) muller
Frucht (f) froita (f)
gehen; fahren ir
Geld (n) diñeiro (m)
hallo; guten Tag; servus; grüß Gott ola
Haus (n); Häuser casa (f)
hören; zuhören atender; escoitar
Hund (m); Rüde (m); Hündin (f) can (m), cadela (f)
Katze (f); Kater (m); Kätzin (f) gato
lesen ler
Pferd (n); Ross (n); Pferdehengst (m); Pferdestute (f) cabalo (m)
schreiben escribir
Tag (m) día (m)
Wasser (n) auga (f)
Zeit (f) vez (f)
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