
Frisian to Swahili dictionary

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This Frisian to Swahili dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Frisian to Swahili and Swahili to Frisian translations will be listed at once.

apel tofaa '(nc 5/6)'
bist (n) mnyama, wanyama 'pl (noun 1/2)'
boek (n) kitabu; vitabu
broer ndugu; kaka
dei siku
famke (n); faam msichana; mwari
fiedsel chakula
fjoer (n) moto
frou; wiif mwanamke
frucht tunda; matunda
gean gura
hallo, hoi jambo
heit; faar baba; mzee
hoppe farasi
hûn mbwa (s)/(p) ('noun 9/10')
hûs (n) nyumba
ja ndiyo
jild (n) pesa; shilingi
jonge (c) kijana
kat paka (nc 9/10)
leafde upendo
lêze soma
mem (f) mama
poppe mtoto; mwana
skriuwe kuandika
stêd mji
sus dada
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