
Frisian to Icelandic dictionary

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This Frisian to Icelandic dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Frisian to Icelandic and Icelandic to Frisian translations will be listed at once.

apel epli (n)
beam tré
bist (n) dýr (n)
blom (c) blóm (n)
boek (n) bók (f)
broer bróðir
dei dagur (m)
famke (n); faam stúlka (f); stelpa (f); telpa (f)
fiedsel matur (m); fæði (n)
fjoer (n) eldur (m); bál (n)
freon vinur (m); vinkona (f); vinstúlka (f)
frou; wiif kona (f); kvenmaður (m)
frucht ávöxtur (m); aldin (n)
hallo, hoi halló; hæ; góðan dag; góðan daginn
heit; faar faðir (m)
hoppe hestur (m); hross (n)
hûn hundur (m)
hûs (n) hús (n); híbýli (n)
jild (n) peningur (m); fé (n)
jonge (c) strákur (m); drengur (m); piltur (m); sveinn (m)
kat köttur (m); kisa (f)
leafde elska
lêze lesa
man karlmaður (m); karl (m); maður (m)
mem (f) móðir (f)
nee nei
poppe ungbarn (n); ungabarn (n); kornabarn (n)
skriuwe skrifa; rita
stêd borg (f)
tiid tími (m); (f)
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