
Estonian to Catalan dictionary

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This Estonian to Catalan dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Estonian to Catalan and Catalan to Estonian translations will be listed at once.

aeg temps (m)
aitäh; aitüma gràcies, moltes gràcies, mercès
armastus amor (m)
beebi nadó (m)
ema mare
hobune cavall (m)
isa pare (m)
kass gat (m); gata (f); (m) mixa (f); (m) moixa (f)
kirjutama escriure
koer; peni gos; ca (m)
kool escola (f)
kuulama, tähele panema escoltar
lill flor (f)
linn ciutat (f)
loom animal (m)
lugema; vaata llegir
maja; hoone casa (f)
mees; meesterahvas home (m)
minema anar
naine dona (f)
õde, sõsar germana, (f)
ööpäev; päev dia (m); jorn (m)
õun poma (f)
poiss noi (m), al·lot (m), xiquet (m), xic (m), xicot (m)
puu arbre (m)
puuvili fruit#Catalan'fruit (m)
raamat llibre (m)
raha diner (m)
sõber amic (m), amiga (f)
tere; hei hola
tüdruk; plika noia (f); nena (f); xiqueta; al·lota (f)
tuli foc (m)
vend; veli germà (m)
vesi aigua (f)
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