This Catalan to Croatian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Catalan to Croatian and Croatian to Catalan translations will be listed at once.
aigua (f) voda (f) amic (m), amiga (f) prijatelj (m); prijateljica (f) anar ići animal (m) životinja (f) arbre (m) drvo (n) casa (f) kuća (f) ciutat (f) grad escola (f) škola (f) escoltar slušati; poslušati flor (f) cvijet (m) foc (m) vatra (f) gat (m); gata (f); (m) mixa (f); (m) moixa (f) mačka (f) germà (m) brat (m) germana, (f) sestra (f) gos; ca (m) pas (m) gràcies, moltes gràcies, mercès hvala; mnogo hvala; veoma hvala; zahvaljujem; mnogo Vam hvala hola zdravo, ćao, bok, bog home (m) muškarac llibre (m) knjiga (f) menjar (m); aliment (m) hrana (f) | noi (m), al·lot (m), xiquet (m), xic (m), xicot (m) dječak (m) pare (m) otac pau (f) mir (m) temps (m) vrijeme (n) |
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