This Breton to English dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Breton to English and English to Breton translations will be listed at once.
amzer (f) time arc'hant money aval (m), avaloù (p) apple babig (m), babiged (p), poupig (m), poupiged (p) baby bleuñv flower boued (m), bouedoù (p) food breur (m), breudeur (p) brother c'hoar (f) sister deiz (m); devezh (m) day dour (m) water frouezh ('collective noun') frouezhenn (f's) fruit gwaz (m); den (m) man gwez '(collective)', gwezenn (f's) tree karantez (f) love kazh (m); kaz (m) cat keoded (f), keodedoù (p), kêr (f), kêrioù (p) city ki (m); chas dog lenn read levr (m) book loen (m), loened, aneval (m), anevaled animal | mamm mother maouez (f) woman marc'h horse nann no plac'h (f); plac'hed girl selaou listen skol (f) school skrivañ write tad#Breton'tad (m), tadoù (p) father tan (m) fire ti (m) house trugarez thank you |
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