
Bosnian to Romanian dictionary

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This Bosnian to Romanian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Bosnian to Romanian and Romanian to Bosnian translations will be listed at once.

beba (f) bebe (m); bebeluș (m)
brat (m) frate (m)
čovjek (m) bărbat (m)
cvijet (m) floare (f)
drvo (n); stablo (n) arbore (m); copac (m); pom (m)
grad (m) oraș (n); cetate (f); urbe (f)
hvala mulțumesc; mersi
ići a merge, a duce
knjiga (f) carte (f)
kuća (f) casă (f)
mačka (f); mačak (m) pisică (f)
majka (f); mater (f) mamă (f)
mir (m) pace (f)
otac (m) tată (m)
pas (m); kučka (f) (m)
sestra (f) soră (f)
škola (f) școală (f)
slušati; poslušati asculta
vatra (f); oganj (m) foc (n)
zdravo, ćao, merhaba, selam salut, bună, noroc (informal), bună ziua (formal), servus
životinja (f) animal (n); fiară (f)
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