
Korean to Spanish dictionary

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This Korean to Spanish dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both Korean to Spanish and Spanish to Korean translations will be listed at once.

(ko-inline'안녕하십니까'annyeonghasimnikka) (formal) (ko-inline'안녕하세요'annyeonghaseyo) (neutrally formal), (ko-inline'안녕'annyeong) (informal) hola; buenos días; qué tal
(ko-inline'일주야'iljuya'4=一晝夜) día (m)
가다 (gada) ir
개 (gae); 견 (gyeon); (gu) perro (m)
고맙습니다 (gomapseumnida); 감사합니다 (gamsahamnida); 고마워 (gomawoe) gracias; muchas gracias
고양이 (goyang-i) gato (m); gata (f)
과일 (gwail) fruta (f); fruto (m)
꽃 (kkot) flor (f)
나무 (namu) árbol (m)
네 (ne); 예 (ye) sí#Spanish'sí, simón (colloquial, Mexico, Guatemala)
도시 (dosi); (sinae) ciudad (f); urbe (f)
돈 (don) dinero (m); cobres (m); lana; pasta; pisto (m); plata (f); real (m)
동물 (dongmul) animal (m); bestia (f)
듣다 (deutta) escuchar
말 (mal) caballo (m); yegua (f)
불 (bul) fuego (m)
사과 (sagwa) manzana (f)
사내 (sanae); 남자 (男子, namja) varón (m); hombre (m)
사랑 (sarang); 연정 (yeonjeong); 애정 (aejeong) amor (m)
소년 ('sonyeon', 少年), 남자아이 ('namja-ai', 男子+아이), 남자애 ('namja-ae', 男子+애), 아이 (ai), 꼬마 (kkoma) niño (m) (gloss'child), chico (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), muchacho (m) (gloss'teens or twenties), chaval (m) (slang), varón (m), (gloss'gender specification: boy or girl?) ¿varón o mujer?
시간 (sigan) tiempo (m)
쓰다 (sseuda) escribir
아기 (agi) bebé (m); nene (m); niño (m); niña (f); bebe (m); guagua (f)
아니오 (anio); 아뇨 (anyo) no
아버지 (abeoji); 아빠 (abba) padre (m)
엄마 (eomma), 어머니 (eomeoni) madre (f)
여성 (yeoseong); (gyejip)여자 (yeoja) mujer (f)
여자 (yeoja) niña (f); muchacha (f); chica (f)
음식 (eumsik) alimento (m); comida (f)
읽다 (ikta) leer
자매 (jamae) hermana (f)
집 (jip) casa (f)
책 (chaek); (doseo) libro (m)
친구 (chingu); (dongmu) amigo (m); amiga (f)
평화 (pyeonghwa) paz (f)
학교 (hakgyo) escuela (f)
형제 (hyeongje); 형님 (hyeongnim); 오빠 (obba); 동생 (dongsaeng); 아우 (au) hermano (m)
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