
English to Swahili dictionary / Kamusi ya Kiingereza-Kiswahili

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This English to Swahili dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Swahili and Swahili to English translations will be listed at once.

animal mnyama, wanyama 'pl (noun 1/2)'
apple tofaa '(nc 5/6)'
baby mtoto; mwana
book kitabu; vitabu
boy kijana
brother ndugu; kaka
cat paka (nc 9/10)
city mji
day siku
dog mbwa (s)/(p) ('noun 9/10')
father baba; mzee
fire moto
food chakula
fruit tunda; matunda
girl msichana; mwari
go gura
hello jambo
horse farasi
house nyumba
listen sikiza
love upendo
money pesa; shilingi
mother mama
read soma
school shule
sister dada
woman mwanamke
write kuandika
yes ndiyo
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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