
English to Spanish dictionary

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cat gato (m); gata (f)
cat felino (m); felina (f)
cat food comida para gatos
catalyst catalizador (m)
catapult catapulta (f)
catch atajar (Latin America), cazar (football)
cathedral catedral (f)
category categoría (f)
caterpillar oruga (f); cuncuna (f)
catfish bagre (m); siluro (m); barbo (m); pez gato (m)
cation catión (m)
rain cats and dogs llover a cántaros
cattle ganado (m)
catalán Catalan
catalán (m); catalana (f) Catalan
catalizador (m) catalyst
catapulta (f) catapult
baladora (f) (Peruvian Amazonia), biombo (m) (Panama), catapulta (f) (Costa Rica), cauchera (f) (Colombia), charpe (m) (Southwestern Mexico), chilinchate (m) (Honduras), china (f) (Venezuela), estiladera (f) (Spain's Canary Islands), fonda (f) (Central and Western Venezuela), gomera (f) (Argentina), gomero (m) (Northwestern and Southern Central Spain), honda (f) (Bolivia'Colombian Atlantic Coast'Chile'Guatemala'Northwestern Argentina'Northwestern Venezuela'Peru'Uruguay), hondilla (f) (El Salvador'Honduras), hondita (f) (Paraguay), hulera (f) (Nicaragua), jebe (m) (Peru), resortera (f) (Costa Rica'Ecuador'Mexican standard usage), tiracantos (m) (Western Central Spain), tirachinas (m) (Spain standard usage), tirachinos (m) (Southwestern Spain), tiradera (f) (Spain's Canary Islands), tirador (m) (Northwestern Mexico'Southern Central and Northeastern Spain), tiragomas (m) (Northern Central Spain'specifically Cantabria, Basque Country, Soria, La Rioja and Aragon), tirahule (m) (Southeastern Mexico), tirapiedras (m) (Cuba'Dominican Republic), tira-tira (m) (Northwestern Venezuela, specifically State of Falcon) slingshot
catarata (f); cascada (f); caída de agua (f) waterfall
mariquita (f); catarinita (f); chinita (f); San Antonio (m); sarantontón (f); vaquita de San Antonio (f) ladybug
catedral (f) cathedral
categoría (f) category
parte de la oración (f); parte de oración (f); categoría gramatical (f) part of speech
catolicismo (m) Catholicism
catión (m) cation
rubio (m), canche (m) (Guatemala), catire (m) (Venezuela), chele (m) (El Salvador'Honduras'Nicaragua), choco (m) (Bolivia), fulo (m) (Panama), gringo (m) (Peru), güero (m) (Mexico), macho (m) (Costa Rica), mono (m) (Colombia), rucio (m) (Chile), suco (m) (Ecuador) blond
catorce fourteen

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