
English to Italian dictionary / Dizionario inglese - italiano

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This English to Italian dictionary searches words in both directions at the same time.
Both English to Italian and Italian to English translations will be listed at once.

animal animale (m); bestia (f)
apple mela (f)
baby bambino (m); bambina (f); bimbo (m); bimba (f); bebè (m)
book libro (m)
boy bambino (m) (child); ragazzo (m) (teenager)
brother fratello (m) (1,2,3,4), confratello (m) (3,4)
cat gatto (m); gatta (f); micio (m); micia (f)
city città (f)
day giorno (m)
dog cane (m)
father padre (m); babbo (m); papà (m)
fire fuoco (m); fiamma (f)
flower fiore (m)
food cibo (m); alimento (m)
friend amico (m); amica (f)
fruit frutta (f); frutto (m)
girl bambina (f); (f)
go andare
hello ciao; salve; buongiorno
horse cavallo (m)
house casa (f); casa
listen ascoltare
love amore (m)
man uomo (m)
money denaro (m); soldi
mother madre (f)
no no
peace pace (f)
read leggere
school scuola (f)
sister sorella (f)
thank you grazie
time tempo (m)
tree albero (m)
water acqua (f)
woman donna (f)
write scrivere
Example searches: animal - art - body - box - boy - cat - city - clothes - color - dog - drink - family - food - fruit - girl - health - house - language - love - nature - peace - profession - school - science - sport - student - time - time - tool - truth - vegetable - weather - world -

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